Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, January 29, 2007

Week 3 . . . WEeeEee

WEeeEee. . . my new bed is finally ready. Thank you papa. Papa promise more toys next week from the Brunei Early Sale (20%) ; P

Smily face on my new bed

SPOT still keep watch over me while on my bed

Hands up!

Singing a song

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Week 2 . . . More Pics

Javier stay awake more now, and tends to stare at bright colourful object. Usually in the morning and everning, and papa promise to setup the nice & comfy bed with nice colourful toys this week.

Big and Tall

. . . something interesting there

Getting a bit sleepy

The return of the baby in orange colour, get ready SPOT

SPOT, stop tickling me

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Day 7 . . . Cousin Shania in da house

Yup, my beloved cousin Shania came to visit me today.

*drum rolling* Introducing the all new Shania (err, i am not a car)

Shania "sayang" little cuz-bro Javier (u got the wrong thought, it's not boxing)

Hear no evil

Grumpy.. cos we are going home. Bye Javier.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Day 6 . . . My Doggy (His Name is SPOT)

Dog is a human best companion animal. My papa and mummy has 2 naughty doggy name Yollie and Bunkie, I got my little cool SPOT.

Doggy's talk

Let's sing (potential choir singer)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Day 5 . . . Sleepy Shot

Waking up every hour though the night is probably not fun. Mama (papa too) need to rest more i.e. sleep and so am I. Sleep through the day to catch up. Dont blame my papa for all the blurry shot, cos it was taken under very low light without flash.

Sleeping on the living room sofa with care of grandma. TQ grandma!

Shhhh! Sleeping in progress.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day 4 . . . First Visit to Subok Clinic

Javier: Wake up early today, bath and get ready to go clinic to get my Vitamin K injection. It's my first time in daddy's Tucson, unlike the usual him, he drove extremely slow and careful i.e. slowing down over the bumpy pavement and normal corners. All the way there and nurse advise, "sorry no more 'stock', please call again in the next few days to check if we have it before coming over" :

Nice warm bath and then my Breakfast Milk!

Gong xi gong xi.. all set to go!

I learnt this from my auntiesss.. the sailormoon pose!

Time to sleep, doggy... please keep watch for Javier yah.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Day 3 . . . Been a good boy (and always will be)

Yup, after hearing many stories before hand and for a beginner like us, we are glad that Javier has been very kind to us. He usually make small little noises to alert us ... "i want my milk!". And Javier patiently awaits his clumsy and slow papa .. 1min - papa trying to make himself awake and know what he is doing, 1 min - prepare, rinse bottle and pour, 5 mins - warm the milk.

Then pampers check, strike the jackpot 9 out of 10, clean it nicely, and Javier dose off to sleep.

Nope! I dont do the eat and then sleep (in hokkien).
I eat + sleep at the sametime i.e. multi-tasking

Mummy trying to make me bupp. Burrrrrpppp! and sleep.

Day 2 . . . Bye Ripas

After 24 hours at RIPAS, doctor gave me 2 vaccination and check up. Green light! I am healthy and good to go. Daddy sign me and mummy out from Ripas.

Me and my mummy, in J's x 2 dreamland.

Hehe, up close and personal. That multi purpose
blanket that i use as mattress cover & pillow, it's
used by my papa almost 30 yrs back!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Day 1 . . . The Arrival

Yea! Javier was born on 6th Jan 2007 @12:28. A week earlier than his official due date, an average big healthy baby weight at 3.45Kg, length 54cm and with head circumference of 34cm, natural birth. Mummy is doing fine and manage to "poop" Javier out after around 3 hours of "lifetime experience".

Who do i look like? (p/s. it's an obvious answer)

My wonder mother!!! Looking great (still) after giving birth to me.